small javascript projects

Analog Clock Alarm Clock Archery Game Blackjack Game BMI calculator Bouncing Balls Bubble Game Bubble Game 2 Calculator Calender Chat Room Application Chrome Dino Code Visualizer Color Changing Background CountDown Counter Credit card validate Crpto Price Tracker CSS Line Height and Letter Spacing Generator CSS Shadow Generator Currency Converter Dice Game Dictionary App Digital Clock Dragon's World Game Drawing App Drum Kit Dynamic Quiz Emoji Charades Flags Flappy Bird Game of Life GitHub Card Guess The Number Hangman Game Heart Popup Image Slider Joke Generator Leap Year Generator Live User Filter Maze Game Mine Sweeper Morse Code translator Movie App Music Player Music Instrumental App Note Taker Pacman Promodoro Timer Pair Game QR Code Generator QR Code Generator 2 Quiz App Quote Generator Race Game Random Password Generator Rock Paper Scissor Schulte Table Scramble Words Simon Game Snake Game Speech Detection Temperature Convertor Text to Speech Convertor Tic Tac Toe Timer To Do List Trivia Quiz Game Unlimited Color Weather App Wikipedia clone